My thoughts on the national parks, movies, sports and whatever else comes into my mind.
Black Death Review
Black Death is a solid adventure that takes on an era in history that is rarely portrayed on film or portrayed as graphically. The film unfortunately is weakened by one major problem: the setup hints at an epic journey to come. Instead we are given a minor psychological battle that all takes place in a small village.
While director, Christopher Smith, and writer, Dario Poloni are the ones that have to be blamed for this problem, I have to give them a lot of credit for everything else they do. The film is a small scale production that had to stretch every dollar possible. That is not evident anywhere in the film besides the major shift in scale between the beginning and the rest of the film that I mentioned above. Smith and Poloni try everything to scale back the money spent while still making an interesting plot (while they do go overboard with the twists at the end of the film, they never take the plot overboard). The art direction and makeup also feel like they come from a summer blockbuster. The work done by the makeup designers and art directors is some of the best you will see in any film this year.
The acting is, like the film, solid. Eddie Redmayne continues to be a decent leading man. Like his performance in the STARZ miniseries, The Pillars of the Earth, he shows he can carry a film but he does not do anything to make his performance stand out from the rest of the cast. Sean Bean continues his great year as he gives his "Sean Bean" performance again. Fortunately, Sean Bean doing his regular shtick is still exciting to watch. The real standout of the film, however, is Carice van Houten who does her best audition for Melisandre for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. That fact that she won the role shows how great she is in this film.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Review
Before I get into reviewing the film some more, here is the backstory of my relationship with the Harry Potter franchise: I began reading the books in 2001 when the hype for the first movie began. I read each book only once and didn't read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 until last fall. I enjoyed the book series most of the time. My favorite is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. My least favorite is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part. I still enjoyed Deathly Hallows immensely but I read it while the first film was being released. I couldn't help myself from thinking of the book in the context of the film which worried me greatly (the horcrux storyline was something that would be very hard to adapt to film correctly). On the other hand, I had a very up and down relationship with the film series. I liked the first two films when they first came up. However, with repeat viewing I have grown to despise them. I think Prisoner of Azkaban is amazing and deserved a Best Picture nomination. I didn't find many problems with Goblet of Fire but I just never liked the film. I thought The Order of the Phoenix had many amazing sequences and has become my second favorite film of the series. I thought Half-Blood Prince was a complete butchering of one of the best and most important moments in the series. Finally, I thought Deathly Hallows, Part 1 was a film that covered some of the hardest stuff to adapt into film and for the most part a success.
You would think that after enjoying the first part of Deathly Hallows, my enjoyment of Part 2 would be a shoo-in. However, Part 2 had problems that Part 1 never had to face and had no moments of inspiration (like the animated sequence of the Deathly Hallows or that small intimate moment where Hermoine and Harry dance together or the awesome cliffhanger ending in Part 1).
I think the best thing to do is to start off by saying that David Yates was a horrible choice of director for the finale. This was probably the biggest component of this film's failure. Where Yates excels at are the small and intimate character moments (the perfect example of this was the dancing scene between Hemroine and Harry that I mentioned above). Yates tried to put those in here but they never felt right. Sure you need them to make a good movie, but you can't include them at the expense of other scenes. You need to find the right balance which Yates never does. Part 1 was an adventure film that focused on three characters. A small and intimate atmosphere was perfect for that film. Part 2 was more of a war film that needed a much larger atmosphere. Yates didn't even attempt this. The big battle scenes are mostly cut out in favor of following Harry and his friends around (which sounds like is what should be done on paper, but it goes against finding the perfect mix of epic scenes and the small character moments) and most characters are killed off-screen (It is okay to do that in a non-visual form of entertainment such as a book but in a film this is just stupid).
My other major complaint with the film (and with many of the Harry Potter films) is that it has major pacing problems. As soon as I heard the word horcruxes, I know this was going to happen to the final film. I thought that breaking the film into two parts might have helped this but the first film only showed one horcux being destroyed. The only other way to prevent this problem was to lower the number of horcruxes in the film from the book, but that, of course, would piss off all the die hards. Instead the film begins with a sequence where our heros look for a horcrux in Gringotts Bank. The sequence feels like it comes from an entirely different film in the series and the pacing of the film is immediately blown to bits (and it never recovers). The film would have been so much better if the film just excised this horcrux.
I could go on and on with nitpicks, but that would be unfair to a series that started filming before the books were even finished (the logic of which is another debate for another day). So I will start talking about what I did like: First of all, the ensemble is better than it has ever been. Most of the bit players get their shining moments and pull them off perfectly. The best example of this is Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagall. She had been reduced (like most of the bit players) to cameo appearances in recent entries of the series. She doesn't get much screen time here either but she rocks every moment of it. Michael Gambon gets one scene as Dumbledore but fully proves why he should have been Dumbledore from the start. I wish Gary Oldman and David Thewlis could have received more screen time but they were great as always. Alan Rickman was good, but I wouldn't call him Oscar worthy by any means. Ralph Fiennes was always a good Voldemort (who was such a disappointing character in the book) and in this one, especially, finds the right balance of camp and ferociousness. Emma Watson and Rupert Grint were solid but don't get the great material they got in part 1. Most importantly, though, Daniel Radcliffe capped off what is to be the defining performance of his career with a performance that showed complete maturity.
Finally, the technical components of the film were pretty good. Alexandre Desplat's score now rivals (and maybe even surpasses) John Williams work earlier in the series. The visual effects in the series are the best they have ever been in this series (Although one minor quibble is that the Dementor effects really are the Smoke Monster effects of the Harry Potter series. They just get worse and worse as the series goes on). Stuart Craig's art direction has always been great but his work on Hogwarts this time around is phenomenal as he combines all of his work in the previous films into this one.
All in all, Potter fans will love this one. Otherwise, stay away from this disappointment.
2011 Emmy Nominations
Here are the nominations.
The Good:
-Game of Thrones loved. I am so happy it go in for Series, Main Title Design, Costume, Hairstyling, Visual Effects and Stunt Coordination.
-Rubicon got nominated!!! (For its Main Title Design)
-The Original Music and Lyrics category is awesome. Please let Justin Timberlake and Andy Samburg's hilarious "3 Way (The Golden Rule)" win.
-Friday Night Lights love. It wasn't great this season but it should have won Best Drama Series in the past so a nomination is a good start.
-Mireille Enos breaks through in Best Drama Actress
-Guy Pearce finally gets a major acting nomination.
-Jeremy Davies gets a surprise nomination in the Guest Actor, Drama category for his work on Justified.
-Dot Marie Jones gets a surprise nomination in the Guest Actress, Comedy category for her work on Glee.
-The Golden Globes got into Best Special Class Program.
-Hawaii Five-0 gets in for Stunt Coordination.
-Sherlock gets nominated for Writing. I am stunned and incredibly happy that this show got a major nomination.
The Bad:
-No The Pillars of the Earth in Art Direction. The art direction was actually the focus of the plot in this one and was very well done.
-19 nominations for Mad Men and 18 for Boardwalk Empire. That's way too many nominations for shows that are definitely not in my top 10 for the year.
-The love for The Borgias (6 nominations) which was such a boring show and was made solely just to get Emmys. Of course the Academy fell for it.
-The Comedy Series Directing Category. Modern Family didn't even deserve 1 nomination (let alone 3) and what is with the random nomination for How I Met Your Mother? "Goodbye, Michael" should have easily gotten in for The Office.
-Poor Joel McHale and Community got skunked again.
-No Samuel L. Jackson for Best TV Movie/Mini Actor.
The Ugly:
-No Game of Thrones in Art Direction. Westeros looked liked it actually existed on that show and yet it gets snubbed in favor of Modern Family (which lets be honest that does not deserve to be anywhere near this category).
-The Walking Dead only got 3 nominations (Prosthetic Makeup, Sound Editing & Visual Effects) and got snubbed in categories that it should have been a shoo-in for (Art Direction, Sound Mixing, Makeup, a second Prosthetic Makeup nomination to name a few).
-Fringe gets 1 nomination for its website. No John Nobel in Supporting Actor. No technicals for the amazing "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide".
-That Music Composition for a Series Category is an atrocity. Fringe should have easily gotten in there.
-Hayley Atwell can't break into the TV Movie/Mini Actress category despite her miniseries getting a surprise nomination in the tv movie/mini category.
I was definitely happy with these nominations overall. Then again as long as Margo Martindale was nominated I would have been happy.
As for Predicting, here is how I did:
Main Categories=113/164 (68.9%)
All Categories=286/501 (57.1)
Additionally, I correctly guessed the nomination tallies for Game of Thrones (13), Downton Abbey (11) and Parks and Recreation (3).
Rio Review
Rio is a pretty solid animated film. It's nothing special but it is not bad either. It just pains me that not all animated films strive for the excellence that Pixar strives for (although I have not seen Cars 2 yet).
Rio follows Blu (voiced by Jesse Eisenberg) attempts to find his way home after being taken by black market dealers. Along the way he tries to woo the only other female of his species, Jewel (Anne Hathaway).
I should probably start off with the bad and say that the story the film tells is kind of bad and definitely boring. The story hits every familiar note (two characters of the opposite sex that start off as enemies, fall in love...the main character has to choose between two people at the end before finding a way to have both...the bad guys lose....the list could go on and on). While I do applaud the fact that the film uses original songs during the course of its runtime, that is almost becoming a cliche for animated films. That becomes especially apparent when the songs don't wow the audience which is the case in this film.
The film definitely isn't all bad though. The voice work on this film is outstanding. Jesse Eisenberg is the perfect choice for the bird that is always unsure of himself (which Blu is). Anne Hathaway is always great and here she makes you forget she is just doing the voicework of your typical love interest. Leslie Mann also does a voice performance that rises above the rest of the supporting cast. However, the best work in the film comes from Jemaine Clement as the villain. You would never picture him being able to voice a character such as this, but he not only does that, he steals the show.
One final thing that I would like to point out is that I saw this film in 2D. From the look of it, however, it would probably have been one of the better films in 3D. The field of depth looked to be amazing from what I could tell in 2D.
My List of Demands to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Regarding the Primetime Emmys
Well here is my list of shows/performances that must be nominated for the ATAS to avoid my complaining about the Emmy nominations tomorrow. This list means nothing as I have no influence over the Academy and my eventual complaining will not make this any different. This list is just for fun. So without further ado, here it is:
4. Rubicon for at least 1 nomination
Rubicon had a short 13 episode season before being cancelled due to low ratings before 2010 was over. It is now 2011 and Rubicon is definitely out of most voters' radar, but that doesn't mean that this was a great show. Fortunately, there are two categories for a show like this. Outstanding Main Title Design and Outstanding Main Title Theme Music are two categories that these types of shows (critically acclaimed but low rated) always get into. Luckily, Rubicon had one of the best main title sequences on television this year.
3. Sean Bean, Game of Thrones for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series
He is probably known as one of the most overdue actors in television today. So I will just lay down the facts: This is probably Noble's last chance to break into the category. Fringe is a show that is lucky to have survived another season, so a 5th season is very unlikely. Emmy voters don't like to vote for cancelled shows so he wouldn't be nominated next year. However, if Fringe does manage to get another season, Noble's chances of getting into the category wouldn't improve at all. Next year will bring back Aaron Paul and will have John Goodman contending for his role on Damages. Next year the category will be stacked. That leaves only this year for a John Noble nomination. So Emmy voters please vote in one of our greatest actors in John Noble.
1. Margo Martindale, Justified for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
I and critics all over have raved over and over again about Margo Martindale's performance as Mags Bennett. It's time that the Emmy voters respond. A snub would not be wise.
4. Rubicon for at least 1 nomination
Rubicon had a short 13 episode season before being cancelled due to low ratings before 2010 was over. It is now 2011 and Rubicon is definitely out of most voters' radar, but that doesn't mean that this was a great show. Fortunately, there are two categories for a show like this. Outstanding Main Title Design and Outstanding Main Title Theme Music are two categories that these types of shows (critically acclaimed but low rated) always get into. Luckily, Rubicon had one of the best main title sequences on television this year.
3. Sean Bean, Game of Thrones for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series
This is probably the nomination that has the least chance of happening on this list. The lead actor for drama is a loaded category this year and, unless, Bean can get in on the coattails of a big day for Game of Thrones, he won't get nominated. Nontheless, Bean gave one of the greatest performances of the past year as the noble Eddard Stark. A complete good guy is a hard character to play because they tend to be very boring. Bean, however, made Eddard one of the most interesting characters on the show and completely sold his final scene.
2. John Noble, Fringe for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
1. Margo Martindale, Justified for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
I and critics all over have raved over and over again about Margo Martindale's performance as Mags Bennett. It's time that the Emmy voters respond. A snub would not be wise.
Final 2011 Emmy Predictions
Best Series, Drama
-Boardwalk Empire
-Friday Night Lights
-Game of Thrones
-The Good Wife
-Mad Men
Best Lead Actor, Drama
-Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
-Kyle Chandler, Friday Night Lights
-Michael C. Hall, Dexter
-Jon Hamm, Mad Men
-Hugh Laurie, House
-William H. Macy, Shameless
Best Lead Actress, Drama
-Kathy Bates, Harry’s Law
-Connie Britton, Friday Night Lights
-Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: SVU
-Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
-Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men
-Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Best Supporting Actor, Drama
-Andre Braugher, Men of a Certain Age
-Josh Charles, The Good Wife
-Alan Cumming, The Good Wife
-Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
-Michael Pitt, Boardwalk Empire
-John Slattery, Mad Men
Best Supporting Actress, Drama
-Christine Baranski, The Good Wife
-Michelle Forbes, The Good Wife
-Christina Hendricks, Mad Men
-Kelly Macdonald, Boardwalk Empire
-Margo Martindale, Justified
-Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife
Best Directing, Drama
-Boardwalk Empire ("Pilot")
-Friday Night Lights ("Always")
-Game of Thrones ("Winter Is Coming")
-Mad Men ("The Suitcase")
-The Walking Dead ("Days Gone Bye")
Best Writing, Drama
-Friday Night Lights ("Always")
-The Good Wife ("VIP Treatment")
-Mad Men ("The Chrysanthemum & the Sword")
-Mad Men ("The Suitcase")
-The Walking Dead ("Days Gone Bye")
Best Guest Actor, Drama
-Bruce Dern, Big Love
-Michael J. Fox, The Good Wife
-Jeremy Irons, Law & Order: SVU
-Robert Morse, Mad Men
-Bob Newhart, NCIS
-Peter Weller, Dexter
Best Guest Actress, Drama
-Shoreh Aghdashloo, Law & Order: SVU
-Candice Bergen, House
-Ellen Burstyn, Big Love
-Marcia Gay Harden, Law & Order: SVU
-Debra Messing, Law & Order: SVU
-Julia Stiles, Dexter
Best Series, Comedy
-30 Rock
-Hot in Cleveland
-Modern Family
-The Office
-Parks and Recreation
Best Lead Actor, Comedy
-Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
-Louis C.K., Louie
-Steve Carell, The Office
-Joel McHale, Community
-Matthew Morrison, Glee
-Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory
Best Lead Actress, Comedy
-Toni Collette, United States of Tara
-Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
-Tina Fey, 30 Rock
-Laura Linney, The Big C
-Lea Michele, Glee
-Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation
Best Supporting Actor, Comedy
-Ty Burrell, Modern Family
-Chris Colfer, Glee
-Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family
-Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
-Ed O'Neil, Modern Family
-Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family
Best Supporting Actress, Comedy
-Julie Bowen, Modern Family
-Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock
-Jane Lynch, Glee
-Sofia Vergara, Modern Family
-Betty White, Hot in Cleveland
-Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Best Directing, Comedy
-30 Rock ("Live Show")
-The Big C ("Pilot")
-Glee ("The Substitute")
-Modern Family ("Halloween")
-The Office ("Goodbye Michael, Part 2")
Writing, Comedy
-30 Rock ("100")
-Glee ("Born This Way")
-Modern Family ("Caught in the Act")
-Modern Family ("Manny Get Your Gun")
-The Office ("Goodbye, Michael")
Best Guest Actor, Comedy
-Jim Carrey, Saturday Night Live
-John Lithgow, How I Met Your Mother
-Liam Neeson, The Big C
-Carl Reiner, Hot in Cleveland
-John Slattery, 30 Rock
-Justin Timberlake, Saturday Night Live
Best Guest Actress, Comedy
-Kristin Chenoweth, Glee
-Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live
-Cloris Leachman, Raising Hope
-Gwyneth Paltrow, Glee
-Sherri Shepherd, 30 Rock
-Elaine Stritch, 30 Rock
Best Movie/Miniseries
-Cinema Verite
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-Too Big to Fail
-Upstairs, Downstairs
Best Actor, Movie/Miniseries
-Idris Elba, Luther
-William Hurt, Too Big to Fail
-Samuel L. Jackson, The Sunset Limited
-Tommy Lee Jones, The Sunset Limited
-Edgar Ramirez, Carlos
Best Actress, Movie/Miniseries
-Katie Holmes, The Kennedys
-Diane Lane, Cinema Verite
-Jean Marsh, Upstairs, Downstairs
-Elizabeth McGovern, Downton Abbey
-Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce
Best Supporting Actor, Movie/Miniseries
-James Gandolfini, Cinema Verite
-Paul Giamatti, Too Big To Fail
-Guy Pearce, Mildred Pierce
-Tim Robbins, Cinema Verite
-Tom Wilkinson, The Kennedys
Best Supporting Actress, Movie/Miniseries
-Eileen Atkins, Upstairs, Downstairs
-Melissa Leo, Mildred Pierce
-Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
-Betty White, The Lost Valentine
-Evan Rachel Wood, Mildred Pierce
Best Directing, Movie/Miniseries
-Downton Abbey
-The Sunset Limited
-Too Big To Fail
-Mildred Pierce
Best Writing, Movie/Miniseries
-Cinema Verite
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-The Sunset Limited
-Upstairs, Downstairs
Variety Series
-The Colbert Report
-The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
-The Late Show With David Letterman
-Real Time With Bill Maher
-Saturday Night Live
Variety Special
-Colin Quinn: Long Story Short
-Kathy Griffin: 50 & Not Pregnant
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
-Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2-The Stand-Up Special
Directing, Variety Series
-American Idol
-The Colbert Report
-The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
-Late Show With David Letterman
-Saturday Night Live
Directing, Variety Special
-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-64th Annual Tony Awards
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
Writing, Variety Series
-The Colbert Report
-The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
-The Late Show With David Letterman
-Real Time With Bill Maher
Writing, Variety Special
-Colin Quinn: Long Story Short
-Dennis Miller: The Big Speech
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Louis C.K.: Hilarious
-Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2-The Stand-Up Special
Reality Competition Series
-The Amazing Race
-American Idol
-Dancing With the Stars
-Project Runway
-Top Chef
Reality Series
-Antiques Roadshow
-Dirty Jobs
-Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List
-Undercover Boss
Reality Host
-Tom Bergeron, Dancing With the Stars
-Hedi Klum, Project Runway
-Padma Lakshmi, Top Chef
-Jeff Probst, Survivor
-Ryan Seacrest, American Idol
Outstanding Animated Program
-Community: Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas
-The Ricky Gervais Show
-The Simpsons
-South Park
Outstanding Art Direction For a Multi-Camera Series
-The Big Bang Theory
-Hell’s Kitchen
-Hot in Cleveland
-How I Met Your Mother
-Mike & Molly
Outstanding Art Direction For a Single-Camera Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-The Borgias
-Game of Thrones
-True Blood
Outstanding Art Direction For a Miniseries Or Movie
-Any Human Heart
-Cinema Verite
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-Upstairs Downstairs
Outstanding Art Direction For Variety, Music Or Nonfiction Programming
-The 83rd Annual Academy Awards
-American Idol
-Saturday Night Live
-Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show
Outstanding Casting For a Comedy Series
-30 Rock
-The Big C
-Modern Family
-The Office
Outstanding Casting For a Drama Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-Friday Night Lights
-The Killing
-Mad Men
-True Blood
Outstanding Casting For a Miniseries, Movie Or Special
-Cinema Verite
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-Upstairs Downstairs
-Too Big To Fail
Outstanding Children’s Nonfiction, Reality Or Reality-Competition Program
-Nick News With Linda Ellerbee: Under the Influence: Kids of Alcoholics
Outstanding Children’s Program
-Good Luck Charlie
-Hannah Montana Forever
-Lemonade Mouth
-Wizards of Waverly Place
Outstanding Choreography
-Dancing With the Stars
-Dancing With the Stars
-So You Think You Can Dance
-So You Think You Can Dance
-So You Think You Can Dance
Outstanding Cinematography For a Miniseries Or Movie
-Cinema Verite
-Mildred Pierce
-Sherlock: A Study in Pink
-Too Big To Fail
Outstanding Cinematography For a Multi-Camera Series
-30 Rock
-The Big Bang Theory
-Hot in Cleveland
-How I Met Your Mother
-Rules of Engagement
Outstanding Cinematography For Nonfiction Programming
-Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
-Baseball: The Tenth Inning
-If God Is Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise
-Whale Wars
Outstanding Cinematography For Reality Programming
-The Amazing Race
-Dirty Jobs
-Out of the Wild: Venezuela
-Top Chef
Outstanding Cinematography For a Single-Camera Series
-The Killing
-Mad Men
-Nurse Jackie
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Commercial
-“Border”, Coca-Cola
-“Conan”, American Express
-“Italian Countryside”, Dox Equis
-“Opulence”, DirecTV
-“Questions”, Old Spice Body Wash
Outstanding Costumes For a Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-Game of Thrones
-Mad Men
-True Blood
Outstanding Costumes For a Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-Any Human Heart
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-Upstairs Downstairs
Outstanding Directing For Nonfiction Programming
-The Amazing Race
-American Experience
-If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise
-Top Chef
Outstanding Hairstyling For a Miniseries Or a Movie
-Downton Abbey
-The Kennedys
-Mildred Pierce
-Upstairs Downstairs
Outstanding Hairstyling For a Multi-Camera Series Or Special
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Dancing With the Stars
-Hot in Cleveland
-Saturday Night Live
-Two and a Half Men
Outstanding Hairstyling For a Single-Camera Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-Boardwalk Empire
-Mad Men
-Mad Men
Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For a Variety, Music, Or Comedy Series
-American Idol
-Dancing With the Stars
-Jimmy Kimmel Live
-Saturday Night Live
-So You Think You Can Dance
Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For a Variety, Music, Or Comedy Special
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
-Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show
Outstanding Main Title Design
-Boardwalk Empire
-Game of Thrones
-Mildred Pierce
-Too Big To Fail
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Makeup For a Miniseries Or a Movie (Non-Prosthetic)
-The Kennedys
-Mildred Pierce
-The Pillars of the Earth
-Upstairs Downstairs
Outstanding Makeup For a Multi-Camera Series Or Special (Non-Prosthetic)
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Dancing With the Stars
-Hot in Cleveland
-Hot in Cleveland
-Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Makeup For a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic)
-Boardwalk Empire
-Grey’s Anatomy
-Mad Men
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Music Composition For a Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-Any Human Heart
-Downton Abbey
-The Kennedys
-The Lost Valentine
-Mildred Pierce
Outstanding Music Composition For a Series (Original Dramatic Score)
-Game of Thrones
Outstanding Music Direction
-53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Dancing With the Stars
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Super Bowl Halftime Show
Outstanding Nonfiction Series
-30 For 30
-American Experience
-American Masters
-Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Outstanding Nonfiction Special
-Baseball: The Tenth Inning
-His Way
-If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise
-Waste Land
Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music
-Game of Thrones
-Mildred Pierce
Outstanding Original Music And Lyrics
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Saturday Night Live
-Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Picture Editing For a Comedy Series (Single Or Multi-Camera)
-Hot in Cleveland
-How I Met Your Mother
-Modern Family
-Modern Family
-The Office
Outstanding Picture Editing For Nonfiction Programming
-30 For 30
-Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
-If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise
-Whale Wars
Outstanding Picture Editing For Reality Programming
-The Amazing Race
-The Celebrity Apprentice
-Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
-Top Chef
Outstanding Picture Editing For a Special (Single Or Multi-Camera)
-Kathy Griffin: 50 & Not Pregnant
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Louis C.K.: Hilarious
-Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2-The Stand-Up Special
Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup For a Series, Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-Boardwalk Empire
-Game of Thrones
-True Blood
-The Walking Dead
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Short-Format Animated Program
-30 Rock Presents Jack Donaghy, Executive Suerpher
-Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1
-Disney Prep & Landing: Secret Santa
-The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
-Robot Chicken
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For a Drama Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-The Good Wife
-The Killing
-Mad Men
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For a Miniseries Or Movie
-Cinema Verite
-Mildred Pierce
-Mildred Pierce
-Sherlock: A Study in Pink
-Too Big To Fail
Outstanding Sound Editing For a Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-Any Human Heart
-The Kennedys
-The Lost Valentine
-Mildred Pierce
Outstanding Sound Editing For Nonfiction Programming (Single Or Multi-Camera)
-The Amazing Race
-American Masters
-Baseball: The Tenth Inning
-If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise
Outstanding Sound Editing For a Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
-Game of Thrones
Outstanding Sound Mixing For a Comedy Or Drama Series (Half-Hour) And Animation
-Modern Family
-The Office
-Parks and Recreation
Outstanding Sound Mixing For a Comedy Or Drama Series (One Hour)
-Boardwalk Empire
-Game of Thrones
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Sound Mixing For a Miniseries Or a Movie
-Cinema Verite
-Downton Abbey
-Mildred Pierce
-Too Big To Fail
Outstanding Sound Mixing For Nonfiction Programming
-The Amazing Race
-American Idol
-If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise
-Top Chef
Outstanding Sound Mixing For a Variety Or Music Series Or Special
-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-American Idol
-American Idol
-Dancing With the Stars
-The Voice
Outstanding Special Class Programs
-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-Eddie Izzard: Live at Madison Square Garden
-Louis C.K.: Hilarious
Outstanding Special Class-Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment Programs
-Childrens Hospital
-The Daily Show Correspondents Explain
-The Office: The Girl Next Door Webseries
-Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show
-30 Rock: The Webisodes
Outstanding Special Class-Short-Format Nonfiction Programs
-The Closer: Episode 603 Script to Screen
-Extreme Makeover Home Edition: Life With Confidence
-In Character With
-Jay Leno’s Garage
-Writer’s Draft
Outstanding Special Visual Effects For a Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-Any Human Heart
-The Pillars of the Earth
-The Pillars of the Earth
Outstanding Special Visual Effects For a Series
-Boardwalk Empire
-CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
-Game of Thrones
-SGU Stargate Universe
-The Walking Dead
Outstanding Stunt Coordination
-Game of Thrones
-Hawaii Five-0
-Lights Out
Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For a Miniseries, Movie Or a Special
-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
-83rd Annual Academy Awards
-The Kennedy Center Honors
-Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
-The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway
Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For a Series
-30 Rock
-The Big Bang Theory
-Dancing With the Stars
-Hot in Cleveland
-Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Voice-Over Performance
-Robot Chicken
-The Ricky Gervais Show
-The Simpsons
-The Simpsons
Outstanding Writing For Nonfiction Programming
-30 For 30
-Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
-Baseball: The Tenth Inning
-Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
17-Boardwalk Empire
16-Mad Men
13-Game of Thrones
10-The Good Wife
10-The Walking Dead
6-Friday Night Lights
5-Law & Order: SVU
4-True Blood
3-The Killing
2-Big Love
2-The Closer
2-CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
14-30 Rock
14-Modern Family
10-Hot in Cleveland
8-The Office
5-How I Met Your Mother
4-The Big Bang Theory
4-The Big C
3-Parks and Recreation
2-Nurse Jackie
20-Mildred Pierce
11-Downton Abbey
10-Cinema Verite
9-Too Big to Fail
9-Upstairs, Downstairs
6-The Kennedys
5-Any Human Heart
4-The Sunset Limited
3-The Lost Valentine
3-The Pillars of the Earth
3-Sherlock: A Study in Pink
3-The Simpsons
2-The Ricky Gervais Show
2-Robot Chicken
13-Saturday Night Live
10-Dancing With the Stars
9-83rd Annual Academy Awards
8-American Idol
6-The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
6-The Amazing Race
6-If God Is Willing And The Creek Don’t Rise
6-The Kennedy Center Honors
6-Top Chef
4-Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
4-Baseball: The Tenth Inning
4-The Daily Show
4-Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
4-So You Think You Can Dance
4-Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show
3-30 For 30
3-The Colbert Report
3-The Late Show With David Letterman
3-Louis C.K.: Hilarious
3-Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2-The Stand-Up Special
2-American Experience
2-American Masters
2-Colin Quinn: Long Story Short
2-Dirty Jobs
2-Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
2-Kathy Griffin: 50 & Not Pregnant
2-Project Runway
2-Real Time With Bill Maher
2-Whale Wars
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